Thursday, March 24, 2011

I know I keep saying that I am going to blog more. I really am trying my hardest to. I just forget about it. Sorry to the few that read it.
Not much has been going on here. Colton is getting so big. I will post pictures soon. We might take some Easter pictures this weekend. They're going to be so cute.
My parents will be down to visit tomorrow night. I am so excited to see them. It feels like it's been forever but it has only been a week. I miss them so much. We have been going up there every other weekend and it is hard on us. Colton always ends up sick and it's just rough. So I'm glad my parents are making a trip down here. Hope it's not too hard on my mom though.
Josh has been working 12 hour days, noon to 12. I don't like it because it makes me have a long and boring day when he's not here. It will be nice to have a little more money though!
I went and registered for classes yesterday. Most of the ones I need to take, I'm not able to. The schedule just wouldn't work since Josh works and I have Colton. So I decided to take 3 classes that should help me get a job. We'll see how that works out.
I was suppose to go to the doctor tomorrow to schedule surgery but the doctor had to reschedule. I go on the 7th now. So I will update you more when I find out something.
I've been trying to lose weight and it's so hard! I do my zumba for the wii every day and I think it's slowly working. I want to start running in the mornings when it gets warm out. I haven't been sleeping much at night so it's hard to get motivated in the morning to workout. I really need to though.
Well that's about it for now. I promise to post pictures soon!!

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