Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Me at 16 weeks and 3 days!!
I went to the doctor yesterday for my 16 week check up. Me and the baby are both healthy! I heard the heart beat again and it was 155!! I wish Josh or Mom could've went with me. It was kind of sad going by myself. They'll be with me next time though! In 27 days we get to find out what we're having. I can't wait!! My morning sickness has eased up a lot and it makes the day a lot better when I'm not sick all the time.
It's really nice out today and it's suppose to be warmer tomorrow and thursday! I love spring weather. Just hope it stays now!
Well I have to go do laundry and feed my growing baby. I'll be sure and keep you updated on everything!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Today was the first day all week that I haven't thrown up!! yay! I'm not getting my hopes up that it's over yet though. Every morning I get up and make Josh's lunch and when I do that I get sick. Then I go back to bed and when I wake up to start my day I get sick again. After that I usually feel pretty good the rest of the day. It's just a big pain in the butt! I'm really hoping that this doesn't last the whole pregnancy. I've also been feeling really tired lately. I go to class in the morning and by noon I'm so worn out. I take a nap and sleep all day. I just have no energy. Maybe the doctor will give me something for that when I go on monday! Only 4 more weeks until we find out what we're having. It's getting so close I can't wait! My belly is growing fast now. It's getting big and I'm so excited! I'm almost 16 weeks and it's going by so fast. It feels like yesterday I found out we were having a baby. Some days I'm just in shock that after all me and Josh have been through we're finally together and starting a family! I couldn't be happier!
And just wanted to say be careful on your trip mom and dad! call me if you need anything! Love you guys and give the girls kisses for me and tell them aunt becka loves them! =)

Monday, March 22, 2010

A little something.

Me and Josh went up to my parent's saturday and got home last night. It was a short trip but we had fun. I always love going up there and seeing them!
We've been trying to get a loan for the car I picked out but we don't have enough credit. We've tried 2 cosigners and neither of them have worked. It's startin to stress us out. I'm really hoping we figure something out soon!
Josh got rained out today so we're just going to spend the day relaxing and doing whatever! I love getting to spend the day with him!
My belly is finally growing. It's probably going to grow really fast now! I'm so excited. I'm ready to look pregnant and not like I just gained a few pounds!
And momma you're precious boogens is layin next to me on the couch and is in heaven!!!!! so dont worry bout her!
Well I don't have a whole lot to say right now. So I'm going to get off here and cuddle with my Joshie Ray =)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Just a few things!

Here's a little update on what has been goin on lately.
Well Josh finally cleaned out the baby's room the other day! Now we just have to wait and see what we're havin so I can decorate!! We should find out in about 5 weeks =)

I went to the dentist yesterday and they told me I have 5 cavities and an impacted wisdom tooth that I need surgically removed. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that now since I'm pregnant. But I'm hopin I can!

I thought my morning sickness was pretty much over until this morning. I woke up to get ready for class and around the time I needed to leave I started getting sick. Made me miss class and I'm still not feeling the greatest =(

My friend just found out that she's pregnant. She's only about 5 weeks along though. And the dad is being worthless so me and Josh are doin all we can to help her out. I know how it is to be freaked out about havin a baby. I cant imagine how it would be without somebody there all the time to go through it with you. I'm happy for her though and she's really excited about the baby so it should be fun! It just makes me realize how wonderful Josh is and I am so glad I have him!!

Me and Josh are goin to look at a new car tonight! I hope I like it cause I'm tired of the mini van. But thank you for it momma!!
We're goin up saturday when Josh gets off work to see my parents and get their dog (boogens). They need us to watch her while they go back out to california to see my brother and family. I'm so excited to see the remodeled house. It's going to be so weird!

Well thats it for now. I'll share more soon!!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My First Blog!

This is my first blog. My sister in law sarah set me up with one. I figured it would be good to do so my family could keep up with the changes in my life. I'm not quite sure what to say but I'm going to give it a try! My first baby is due September 11th. I'm 14 weeks today. Second trimester!! Hopefully it's a lot better than the first trimester was. I've been tryin to eat as much as possible when I feel good so I can gain some weight. Between weeks 8 and 12 I lost 5 pounds. It kind of worried me. We can't wait to find out what we're having. I have a feeling it's a boy (thats what josh is hopin for) but ill be happy either way! Well that's all I have to say right now. Ill share some more later!