Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A lot going on.

I'm sorry it has been a while since I've blogged. I have been busy and it completely slipped my mind until now. Here's a few things that are going on with the Farler family.
Josh will most likely be getting his gallbladder out within a couple weeks.
Colton is sick and is running a fever with a runny nose. He isn't feeling good at all.
I possibly have a cyst on my spleen. I go for an ultrasound in the morning. We're all falling apart.
Last Sunday I bought a lot of things we need for the wedding. There's only a little bit left that we have to get. Now we just have to start putting it all together.
I am stressed to the max and I will try to keep everyone updated on what we find out. But blogging is at the bottom of my list of things to do. That is all I have for now. I have to go take care of my sick baby now!

Monday, February 7, 2011

My baby boy

Colton Ray is getting so big. He's starting to sit up by himself more! He is so facinated with his feet. When we put them up to his mouth he just laughs. He's so cute.

Josh put together Colton's stroller and this is his first time in it. He wasn't so sure about it at first, but as you can see he started to like it. I love this picture. It looks like he's waving at the camera!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I know it has been a while since I have blogged and I'm sorry for that! I've been a little busy. Last weekend we took a trip up to my parents. I loved it and I miss them very much. We will be going back up there February 18th. During that trip I will get to see my Sister-in-law and my wonderful nieces!
While I'm up there, me, my Matron of honor, and my Maid of honor are going to pick out bridesmaid dresses and go to party city to get a lot of the things I need for my wedding. It's less than 5 months away and we have so much to do!
Nothing has changed much with Colton, except that he is still growing like a weed. His teeth have been hurting him and he is so close to getting 2 on the bottom. Well that is all I have to blog about right now. Colton is getting grouchy so it's time to put him down for a power nap.