Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Yesterday I went to the doctor for my monthly checkup. I heard Colton's heart beat again! My blood pressure and everything is perfect. Counting the 5 pounds I gained back from when I lost it the first two months, all together I've gained 16 pounds. Next appointment I'm having a sugar test and stuff done to check for diabetes. I'm so glad me and Colton are both healthy!
I'm now almost 25 weeks along and I'm getting big. This summer heat is going to be really rough. Me and Josh are going camping this weekend and I just hope the air conditioner in mom and dad's new trailer works good!
Today I'm going to clean the house a little and do laundry and dishes that I've been putting off for the past few days. And hopefully Josh is going to go on a walk with me when he gets off work!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We're slowly getting everything ready for little colton! We have so many 0-3 month clothes. We had to go buy a dresser yesterday so I have more room to put things. I'm hoping to get the crib and bedding soon! He's been moving around a lot. Me and Josh started reading to him last night. We're going to do it every night before bed. I love when we just lay there and feel him move. It's so exciting. I have a lot of fears though. Like how are we going to know how to do everything and what to do when he's sick or something. I'm going to be home with him by myself during the day. What if something happens? And the thought of giving birth scares me the most! I just don't want to do it haha. but I guess I have no choice. I'll be 6 months this saturday. It's going by so fast! I still can't believe that I'm having a baby. It probably wont completely hit me until I'm on the way to the hospital. I'm scared to death but I just know that me and Josh are going to be wonderful parents. We were raised by the best!! =)

Monday, May 10, 2010

I had a great first mothers day! It's still so weird that I'm going to be a mom. I'm so excited. I love little Colton Ray so much already. I really can't wait to see him in about 4 months!

Me and Josh lay in bed at night and talk about how it's going to be with a baby and how we think he's going to look. He claims he's not going to change a poopy diaper but I guarantee he does! I wouldn't want to have a baby with any other guy. I always hoped this would happen and I'm still in shock that it is. I can't believe that me and Josh are having a baby together. I really couldn't be happier.

The flowers josh got me for mothers day and me at 22 weeks!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with my blog lately. I've been preoccupied ever since we found out what the baby was and everything. Haven't had time or energy to do it.
My classes are about over now. I only have 3 finals next week then I'm done until January. I'm going to take a few months off when the baby is born.
My parents are coming down this weekend to get their new horse trailer and 2 horses. I'm so excited to see my mom for mothers day!
I've been really tired. It's like no matter what I just can't get enough sleep. It's the same way with food. There's not enough food around to keep me from being hungry!
Well I got to go do my laundry. I'll post a picutre of my big belly next time I blog!!